Today I’ve had the chance to participate in two events related to the project management profession. Even though I haven’t got much going on in the field at the moment, I’ve always been keen on keeping an eye on the PM profession, and it has presented two completely different faces.
The first event was a workshop, organized by the Hungarian Project Management Association, and was an interesting and quite academic event on the role of knowledge management in project. It was held in the Hungarian Technical University, and several academics were present, as well as practicing PM’s. It was delightful, to see knowledgeable people discussing the topic.
My takeaway from the discussion was plain and simple, there is no such thing as knowledge management for a project. There is no reason to build a knowledge island, as long as it doesn’t appear in the company culture. To change the company culture, you’ll need to start on the top, and gain traction as you go. It was quite an interesting workshop, and it jogged my mind a bit.
The other event was in a pub, where the Derrick and Harry project management blog held it’s fourth birthday. This is a sarcastic blog, that was founded by two professionals, who have dealt with several IT projects. I think, their main goal is to share their experiences, but I think they also use this platform to vent some of the frustration by writing about it. I’m both a subscriber to the blog (for years now) attend their meetups, and take the chance to talk as much to the authors as possible. Interestingly, this birthday drew quite a small audience, even though the meetups are always full. It was great to see some colleagues, and catch up on the events of the blog.
I’m glad to hear, that Gábor and Lajos, the two founders have really started focusing their consulting company Wunderplan, to help to reduce the frustration, originating from the IT organization and process issues. I wish them many-many customers, so they can evangelize and educate more IT organizations, about sensible operation!